Reading The Green Newsletter

Welcome to Reading the Green, the monthly "quick hit," golf related brief that focuses on improving the viability of Municipally owned golf facilities through the latest trends, creative uses for golf courses, and recent developments in resource management.

Reading The Green Newsletter

Beyond the style, setup, and quality of a course, an often-overlooked opportunity to market your golf facility, is to promote and embrace your course’s history and design lineage. We at Staples Golf believe there’s an obligation to record your history accurately, and we make it a priority in all our Master Plans. One important reason is to inform future parties as to how the golf course evolved over time, and why certain decisions were made out on the course.

Reading The Green Newsletter

Here are a few areas of a clubhouse, if improved upon, will impact your course’s ability to attract more patrons and separate yourself from the field:

Reading The Green Newsletter

Golf has always been on the cutting edge of technology, and according to the NGF, no other sport even comes close! To keep up with some of this stuff however, you almost have to make it your job, so we’ve compiled a short list of our top golf industry tech advancements that are applicable for municipalities looking to garner that competitive edge! We think the ROI for these is worth your consideration.

Reading The Green Newsletter

This month’s topic hits on an area that we don’t spend enough time on; the importance of golf advocates in leadership roles. Is your course surrounded by people that love the game? Are any of the decision makers for your golf course, actually golfers? Do any members of your Municipal council play golf? Those who are fighting for golf and its values seem to be in limited supply these days.

Reading The Green Newsletter

Today, we’re excited to introduce the Course of the Future (COTF); a new tool that gives a glimpse of where golf course trends are headed in terms of sustainability and overall user diversification. This tool was developed by the ASGCA, in partnership with Best Approach, and highlights many of the ideas Staples Golf has been promoting for years: renewable energy, water harvesting, family friendly design, practice facilities, short courses, etc.

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